Wednesday, October 30, 2013

365 Guide New York City

Title: 365 Guide New York City
Author: Monica DiNatale
Publisher: Hugo House Publishers, Ltd.
Genre: Guide book

My review:
I received this book through in exchange for an honest review.

I thought this 365 Guide to NYC was awesome. It outlined where to eat and drink in New York! I enjoy travelling and often find it hard to venture out to new places to eat because you never know if they are going to be good. Often I end up using websites such as in order to find out the best restaurants in the cities. This method is okay, but only if a lot of people have gone to that particular restaurant, otherwise it doesn't even make the list. Having a guide such as this one makes it really easy- especially since there is an index by neighbourhood/landmark, type of food, and weekend deals. If you want the "basic" foods, Monica has a simple outline for that in the back of the book also.

I really liked that Monica had recommendations included in her reviews. Usually when I go to a restaurant that I don't know I'm too chicken to try something new, especially if I have no idea what the restaurant is known for. Obviously I can ask what the server recommends, but usually their recommendations are the pricier items (makes sense since they are working for the establishment and want to make them money and also want to make themselves a pretty tip!).

Overall Monica did a great job! I would definitely consider purchasing books like this for the cities I travel to a lot. I mean who doesn't love a guide that tells you where the good places to eat are. She even goes one step further to tell you what the specials are! I loved flipping through the book and seeing "$1 hamburger; $2 drinks". I highly recommend getting this book if you live in NYC or if you are planning on travelling there! Great Job Monica!

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