Title: Thanksgiving Cookbook: Recipes for Turkey and All the Trimmings
Author: Fine Cooking Editors
Publisher: The Taunton Press, Inc.
Genre: Cookbook
Rating: 4 Hippos
Exquisite photos + Tasty recipes + Great layout = A Recipe for a mouth watering, amazingly appetizing cookbook!
Everyone knows that there is hundreds of Thanksgiving cookbooks out there and every single one tells you a different way to cook a turkey. Was it really in Fine Cooking’s best interest to create yet another thanksgiving cookbook? The answer is YES! This book is laid out beautifully, has amazing photos and has mouth watering recipes. They have tips for creating the perfect Thanksgiving meal at the beginning of the book, and then walk you through the entire process step by step. The tips also include things like “Map out the fridge space” and “Choose dishes that suit your appliances”. Although these seem like silly steps, I know my family always runs into this problem whenever we cook! I really liked the “gravy math” tip, its useful and also was super cute!
The cookbook not only gives you several recipes for how to cook a turkey, they also include recipes for duck and goose. Perhaps including a vegetarian option would have made this cookbook that much better, but really we can’t always have it all. I also really appreciated that they had a mix of vegetables to make, and several ways to prepare potatoes (everything from the classic mashed potato to potato galette!). In addition, they included several recipes for pies but also threw in a number of non–pie dessert recipes. These guys really thought of it all!
My overall impression of the book- This cookbook gives you everything you need to make a fantastic dinner- No Turkey is safe this Thanksgiving!. I give this cookbook 4 Hippos! (Guest post by Book Loving Hippo)
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